Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS) recently traveled to Mississippi in an effort to stop Stericycle, the nation’s leading medical waste company and premier service to the abortion industry, from collecting aborted babies and the tools used to kill them at the last remaining abortion facility in the state. Continue Reading »
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PHILADELPHIA – In another victory for the Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS), two Idealease affiliates, Ward Idealease and McCandless Idealease, have informed the campaign that they have both stopped Stericycle from using their trucks to service the abortion industry.
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Sidewalk counselors John Barros and Beth Goble pray with an Advanced Medical Disposal driver during the company's last service stop at Orlando Women's Center.
In another victory for the preborn and the Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS), a medical waste company in Central Florida has decided to distance itself from the abortion industry.
John Barros, a pro-life sidewalk counselor from the Orlando area, recently reported to CSS that Advanced Medical Disposal of Clearwater, Florida made their last service stop to the Orlando Women’s Center. CSS had been alerting the public about Advanced Medical Disposal as they were listed on the CSS website as an abortion collaborator. The campaign also contacted management earlier this year about their concerns over the company’s partnership with the abortion provider. Advanced Medical Disposal’s involvement with Orlando Women’s Center then began to adversely affect the company’s business. Continue Reading »
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AUSTIN, Texas — The Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS) has learned that the medical waste giant Stericycle has been fined over $42,000 for the illegal dumping of aborted babies collected from an abortion facility in Austin.
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Gosnell's freezers were packed full of aborted babies once Stericycle stopped collection due to unpaid bills.
PHILADELPHIA – Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS) has learned that grand jury documents released by the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office in the case of notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell reveal that the medical waste giant Stericycle had been disposing of fetal remains for Gosnell for many years. The abortionist is facing several counts of murder and an extensive list of other criminal indictments, while several of his staff members have already pled guilty to counts involving the murder of at least two babies and a 41-year old woman.
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