Listen to Stericycle's shocking admissions:

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The Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS) is in news headlines, including The Times-News and the leading Internet news site WorldNetDaily.

Although both publications gave Stericycle an opportunity to respond to the campaign’s outrage against the medical waste giant’s collection, transportation and incineration of aborted children, Stericycle declined to provide any comment. In fact, Stericycle even refused to return phone calls.

Stericycle’s silence demonstrates that the billion-dollar grossing company really has no excuse for its involvement in the abortion holocaust. In spite of this fact, Stericycle has not yet backed down from providing services to the abortion industry.

Please continue to make your voice heard to Stericycle President Mark C. Miller by calling his desk at (847) 607-2038 and/or via e-mail Also, please visit the campaign’s Help in the Fight page for more ways that you can help stop this Goliath from furthering the abortion holocaust in our nation!

The entire thrust of the business world is to make a profit. However, when businesses abandon ethical standards in order to pursue wealth, they can quickly find themselves entangled in gross evil. Much like those that profited from the Jewish Holocaust of the 1940’s, companies that service the abortion industry today are sacrificing business ethics for their love of the “almighty dollar.”

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Stone hurled at medical ‘waste’ Goliath in Roe v. Wade’s 38th year

PHILADELPHIA Repent America (RA) has launched a nationwide effort called the Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS), which aims to expose America’s leading medical waste disposal company for their collection, transportation and incineration of aborted children and the instruments used to kill them. Included in the launch of the campaign is the official announcement of, a website dedicated to revealing the overwhelming evidence of Stericycle’s collaboration with the abortion industry. While this month marks 38 years since the unlawful Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, which has resulted in the violent deaths of fifty million children and counting, CSS is marking the end of our nation’s deadly silence toward those that facilitate the abortion industry as it hurls a stone at this medical “waste” Goliath.

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Repent America is preparing to launch a nationwide campaign to reprove and expose Stericycle, a leading “medical waste” disposal company, for their collection, transportation and incineration of aborted children. Continue Reading » is under development and will be launched in the near future.  At this time, please visit our About The Campaign area for more information.

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“…neither be partaker of other men’s sins. Keep yourself pure.” – 1 Timothy 5:22

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