Listen to Stericycle's shocking admissions:


Q: Why are you targeting Stericycle?

A: Besides being informed by Stericycle representatives that Planned Parenthood is one of Stericycle’s largest clients and that Stericycle services “multiple regions of Planned Parenthood,” it is a fact that Stericycle is the leading medical waste removal service in the nation. This includes being the premier service to the abortion industry. Therefore, Stericycle is one of the largest enablers of the abortion holocaust in our nation.



Q: Doesn’t Stericycle’s waste acceptance policy prohibit fetal remains from being collected?

A: Aside from the fact that we have recorded phone calls of Stericycle’s own representatives admitting that they accept fetal remains, many people are confused about Stericycle’s waste acceptance policy. The vaguely worded policy does not mention fetal remains, but rather craftily states that “complete human remains” are unacceptable. Stericycle has told the Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS) that it does not know when a fetus is considered to be human, and that the determination is up to the abortion mill and state law. Obviously, abortion mills never admit that aborted babies are human.

Additionally, during an undercover investigation, the Campaign to Stop Stericycle obtained a hypothetical contract for an abortion mill in which the pickup of fetal remains was included. CSS was also informed that the abortion mill would receive “incinerate only” stickers so that the fetal remains would be incinerated.

Furthermore, Stericycle is currently under government investigation in the state of Texas for illegally dumping aborted fetuses into a municipal landfill. During the initial investigation, Stericycle representatives told the government that “medical waste containing fetuses or tissue should be sent for incineration,” and that aborted fetuses in Texas should be transported to Stericycle’s plant in Apopka, Florida to be incinerated.



Q: How do you suggest that abortion mills dispose of the bodies if Stericycle does not pick them up?

A: That isn’t up to us. The real question should be: How do we end the worldwide abortion holocaust? Just like it was wrong for businesses to aid the Nazis during the Jewish Holocaust, businesses must not be enablers of evil activity today. The murder of millions of innocent children is able to continue largely because Stericycle – and other companies like it – help abortion mills to operate. If businesses would refuse to service the abortion industry out of ethical integrity, then the doors of these killing centers would soon close and the murder of millions of innocent children would come to an end. A number of companies have already done so, and it is well past time for Stericycle to do likewise.


Q: What alternatives are there to Stericycle?

A: There are a number of alternatives for those in the medical industry that need to dispose of regulated medical waste. Click here for a list of medical waste management companies that do not service the abortion industry. Additionally, alternate methods of disposal include autoclaving, which some medical facilities perform on-site.



Q: Why don’t you research the facts before making your claims?

A: The Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS) has conducted an extensive amount of research that solidly proves not only Stericycle’s involvement with the abortion industry, but also its collection, transportation and incineration of aborted children. Please visit the “evidence” page for details.


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