Stericycle is able to incinerate aborted children because of laws that classify first and second trimester babies like this child as being "unrecognizable."
The Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS) conducted an undercover investigation to unveil the truth about Stericycle’s collection, transportation and incineration of aborted children. The revelations brought to light during the investigation were shocking and disturbing. Not only did CSS obtain a contract for a hypothetical abortion mill, which included pick-up of fetal remains, but it also discovered that Stericycle has been skirting their Waste Acceptance Policy via state laws that consider aborted babies as being unhuman and “unrecognizable.”
You are about to hear three telephone discussions that were recorded during the investigation with Stericycle SQ Group Account Manager Mara Villalobos. Repeatedly throughout these discussions, Ms. Villalobos – who formerly managed Stericycle’s contracts with “multiple regions of Planned Parenthood” – confirmed that Stericycle does indeed accept fetal remains. Furthermore, during these recordings, she explained the detailed packaging guidelines for abortion mills, in which fetal remains are placed into red “soft waste” bags, then into secondary boxes, which are labeled with “incinerate only” stickers. The fetal remains are then taken to Stericycle’s incineration plant in Haw River, North Carolina, where they are burned into ash.
We encourage you to listen to these eye-opening discussions, which further prove Stericycle’s deplorable involvement with the abortion industry. All recordings were obtained in compliance with applicable laws.
Listen to call #1 with Mara Villalobos
Listen to call #1 with Mara Villalobos
Listen to call #2 with Mara Villalobos
Listen to call #2 with Mara Villalobos
Listen to call #3 with Mara Villalobos
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