Chicago Area Outreach
May 26th, 2011 by admin
- A truth truck makes a lap around the Double Tree Hotel where Stericycle’s “Annual Meeting of Stockholders” was being held.
- The truth truck would sometimes park in front of the hotel to expose the truth to stockholders.
- Another view of the truth truck parked adjacent to the hotel.
- The police drove by, perhaps to see what was going on.
- A close-up of the CSS banner that was displayed on one of the truth trucks that encircled the hotel.
- Michael Marcavage of CSS stands beside the truth truck outside of the stockholders meeting.
- Youth hold the CSS banner in front of the hotel.
- A closer view of the youth holding the banner.
- They were babies themselves not that long ago.
- Flip holds the amplifier as Rusty speaks against Stericycle’s complicity in the abortion holocaust.
- One of the signs decrying abortion was not far from where Rusty was preaching.
- Flip holds the amplifier while Dan speaks against the shedding of innocent blood.
- Another angle of Flip and Dan.
- A view of the signs that lined the streets in the vicinity of the stockholder’s meeting.
- One of the signs that revealed the reality of abortion.
- This sign was across the street from the hotel.
- A distant view of the signs surrounding the hotel.
- A car stops at the corner, adjacent to one of the signs.
- More youth take turns at holding the CSS banner.
- Another view of the banner. The message was quite clear.
- Robert stood next to the banner with a sign revealing the reality of abortion.
- Another view of Robert and the boys.
- Some of the people that came out to stand against Stericycle.
- Another view of our great group.
- What a statement!
- Some of the volunteers that came from 9 states to be involved!
- Another snapshot of some of the great people that stood with CSS.
- Moms came out with their babies to stand up for life.
- A view from a distance of Stericycle President Mark C. Miller’s sprawling estate.
- A side view of the lengthy driveway that leads up to Miller’s estate.
- Another view of part of the residence.
- One of 100 of Mark Miller’s neighbors that CSS visited to talk about Stericycle’s involvement in the abortion holocaust.
- Stericycle’s Headquarters in Lake Forest, IL.
- A few of the supporters that stood outside of Stericycle’s headquarters and called the company to repentance.
- CSS called out the Stericycle’s employees as they entered the parking lot and distributed literature to those who would receive it.
- A Stericycle employee pulls into the parking lot.
- Another view of Stericycle’s headquarters — in the rain.
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