Caution To Clients
Mar 3rd, 2010 by admin

Who could even think of hurting a precious baby like this? Yet, many babies don't even get to see the delivery room. Abortion mills nationwide are discarding the remains of first and second trimester babies into Stericycle boxes, where they are collected for incineration. Will you defend the children's cause and stand against Stericycle?
If you are a client to Stericycle, be advised that the same “medical waste” company that you are sending your hard-earned cash to is also picking up the so-called “waste” of abortion mills nationwide. In fact, Stericycle is the nation’s leading abortion “waste” removal service today.
If you are a business that values life and strives to maintain the highest level of ethical integrity, you should not want to utilize the services of companies like Stericycle who daily profit from the very things that you stand against. You deserve better.
We challenge you to boycott Stericycle’s services and find a strong, pro-life company to contract with, which does not collaborate with the abortion industry.
The children are depending on someone to be a voice for the voiceless, to defend their cause, and to resist those that are aiding, abetting, and profiting from their death. Will you respond to their plea?
We exhort you to STOP doing business with STERICYCLE until Stericycle stops servicing the abortion industry.
Click here to view a list of current Stericycle clients.
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