Abortion Facility Serviced By Stericycle May Close as Other Businesses Refuse to Collaborate
Apr 1st, 2013 by admin
The last remaining abortion facility in Mississippi, which is serviced by the medical waste Goliath Stericycle, may soon close its doors for good as other businesses in the area are refusing to collaborate with the abortion provider.
Jackson Women’s Health Organization has been working for the past year to find a hospital that will grand admitting privileges to the facility in order to comply with a new state law. However, all of the seven hospitals that facility representatives have contacted have refused to assist abortionists.
“They were clear that they didn’t deal with abortion and they didn’t want the internal or the external pressure of dealing with it,” explained administrator Diane Derzis.
Some hospitals would not even provide an application.
“At Baptist Medical Center, executive assistant for medical staff services Teresa Ayala told JWHO administrators that hospital would not send an admitting privileges application,” reports Jackson Free Press. “Brewer’s declaration also indicates that Ayala was less than helpful in providing the clinic information it needed to contact Baptist’s physicians.”
“The other five hospitals that rejected JWHO’s applications: River Oaks Hospital in Flowood, Crossgates River Oaks Hospital in Brandon, Madison River Oaks in Canton, Woman’s Hospital in Jackson and Central Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, are owned by Naples, Fla.-based Health Management Associates Inc.,” it continued. “Each of these hospitals responded to JWHO with similarly worded letters citing the hospitals’ abortion policies and concerns about ‘internal and external disruption of the hospital’s function and business within this community.’”
Because Jackson Women’s Health Organization cannot comply with the mandates of the law due to the resistance of the hospitals, it may now be forced to close. These seven hospitals are proof that without collaborative businesses, the abortion industry will collapse.
Shamefully, Stericycle continues to willingly assist Jackson Women’s Health Organization by disposing of the remains of the babies murdered at the facility, as well as the items used in killing them. Click here to view photographs of Stericycle helping the facility discard unwanted children.
Jackson Women’s Health Organization faces an official violation and closure hearing on April 18th. If it shuts its doors, Mississippi will be the first abortion-free state in the nation, all because of businesses — unlike Stericycle — that had the moral fortitude to say no.
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