Grand Jury Documents Reveal Stericycle’s Partnership with Notorious Abortionist Kermit Gosnell
Nov 17th, 2011 by admin

Gosnell's freezers were packed full of aborted babies once Stericycle stopped collection due to unpaid bills.
PHILADELPHIA – Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS) has learned that grand jury documents released by the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office in the case of notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell reveal that the medical waste giant Stericycle had been disposing of fetal remains for Gosnell for many years. The abortionist is facing several counts of murder and an extensive list of other criminal indictments, while several of his staff members have already pled guilty to counts involving the murder of at least two babies and a 41-year old woman.
According to the Grand Jury Presentment, while interviewing Gosnell’s employees for the case, it was discovered that staff were assigned the task of preparing the boxes of aborted babies for Stericycle’s arrival.
“James Johnson, who worked for Gosnell since 2001, testified that his duties included collecting the red biohazard bags of fetal remains and putting them in boxes for pickup by an outside firm, Stericycle.” (Page 32)
The Grand Jury Report, a separate document released by the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, also stated:
Sometimes, according to Tina Baldwin, fetal remains were left out overnight. “You knew about it the next day when you opened the door … Because you could smell it as soon as you opened the door.” According to a plan that Gosnell filed with the Philadelphia Health Department in 2004, waste was to be stored in the basement for once-a-week pickup by a waste disposal company.” (Page 47)
However, the presentment also explained, “Johnson told us that in the last two years, Gosnell did not always pay his Stericycle bills.” Since Stericycle would not collect the abortion “waste” until payment was received, the fetal remains were packed into freezers until Stericycle resumed its cooperation. In fact, the report stated:
“In the interim, and as the search team discovered during the February 18 raid, freezers at the clinic were full of discarded fetuses…” (Page 47)
The grand jury then explained in the presentment that two of the babies that were found in the freezer awaiting pickup by Stericycle included what is being referred to in the case as “Baby Girl A” and “Baby Boy A.” The jury recommended that Gosnell face infanticide charges for the murder of the two babies, in addition to murder charges for several other preborn babies that were discovered on the property. It was also found that Gosnell had a sick fascination for cutting off the feet of some of the babies that he aborted and keeping them in jars, while disposing of the rest of their body.
Click here to read the presentment in full, and here to read the full grand jury report.
In recent weeks, several of Gosnell’s employees have pled guilty to charges of third-degree murder by plunging scissors into the necks of infants after inducing labor. The Grand Jury Report states that Gosnell and his staff purposefully killed hundreds of babies in this manner, and that Gosnell often boasted of the size of the babies that he murdered, such as stating that the baby was so large that he or she “could walk [him] to the bus stop.” Some staff members are also charged in the death of a 41-year old woman who was administered fatal amounts of pain killers and anesthesia while undergoing an abortion. They face over one hundred years in prison, while Gosnell faces a possible death sentence.
“Gosnell’s actions are not isolated in the abortion industry. This high-profile case has simply exposed what abortion is all about: the heartless murder of thousands of innocent babies,” campaign director Michael Marcavage stated. “During the Holocaust, businesses that were found to be collaborating with the Nazis by providing their services were found to be just as culpable as the Nazis themselves. Likewise, those who collaborate with the abortion industry, such as Stericycle, have blood on their hands just as much as the abortionists. If Gosnell had kept paying his Stericycle bills, all of this evidence would have been destroyed. Thankfully, his evil has been exposed and Gosnell’s house of horrors has been shut down,” he added. “Stericycle must stop facilitating the abortion holocaust in America and cease enabling those who are killing our nation’s children to stay in business. We will not stop pursuing Stericycle until Stericycle stops servicing the abortion industry,” Marcavage concluded.
Stericycle was also found in April of this year to be collecting and discarding fetal remains from Whole Women’s Health, an abortion facility in Austin, Texas. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) had investigated Stericycle’s Austin branch after learning that they were illegally dumping aborted babies into a municipal landfill. TCEQ released reports in both June and July on the matter, and penalties are still pending from the Enforcement Division.
“Rescue those who are being taken away unto death. Hold back those who are stumbling toward the slaughter.” – Proverbs 24:11
Will you call or write Stericycle today and kindly, but firmly, implore them to stop servicing the abortion industry? You can make a big difference with just a simple phone call or email!
1) Call Stericycle President Charles Alutto at (847) 607-2004 and/or email and tell him to immediately instruct his company to sever all contracts with abortion facilities.
2) Call Stericycle CEO Mark C. Miller at (847) 607-2038 and/or email and urge him to do likewise.
3) Click here to sign the Petition to Stop Stericycle if you have not done so already.
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